What is Martingale and Is It Reasonable to Use It?

What Is Martingale? If you write “martingale” in a search engine box, it will return a large number of pages with the description of this system. It is interesting that among others you will meet web-sites of online casinos, which assure that this system works, all you need is entering your credit card number to Read more about What is Martingale and Is It Reasonable to Use It?[…]

Martingale as the basis for a long-term trading strategy

Introduction The martingale is a well known trading system. It has many advantages: ease of use, no need to use tight Stop Loss, which reduces psychological pressure, a relatively small amount of time which the user needs to invest in trading. Of course, the system also has huge drawbacks. The most important of them is Read more about Martingale as the basis for a long-term trading strategy[…]

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